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Install Steam On Wine

$ sudo make install Arch LinuxA is available from the official repositories. It can be installed by typing pacman -S steam.You will first need to enable the if you are on a 64-bit system.

FedoraRPM packages are available for Fedora 17 and 18.Also included is an unofficial YUM repo which tracks these packages. GentooInofficial ebuilds are available through, progress is tracked on. OpenSUSE / SUSEInstall the RPM package for.Further information: UbuntuUpdate your system with the latest updates, then install the deb package:With (POL)One “easy” method of installing Steam is with Play On Linux. First download the latest version of PoLand install it.

Then run it by typing: “playonlinux” in the console and click on “installer”, select “jeu” or “game” and next, select steam, next, say yes for all next steps, and here it is, Steam Is installed! Enjoy.POL does install Steam but the Tahoma truetype font is not installed correctly therefore not allowing you to view the normal text on the screen. I have just tested it on Fedora 9.

I can view the default Steam webpage and the community page no problem. But the login text is invisible, the My Games screen text is invisible. NOTE – Tahoma font installs properly on Backtrack 4 Pre Release.

(Tested 6/15/09) NOTE – Tahoma font can be installed by copying it from your windows pc to a flash drive and then putting it in a hidden folder (on your linux pc) named.fonts (you may have to make the folder0 in your root directory (Tested in kbuntu 10/16/09)The Tahoma font can be installed using with the command winetricks tahoma without a windows install to copy it from. Installing Winetricksis a easy to use tool that can install many useful resource in Wine, including the needed Tahoma font. If your distribution provides a prepackaged version it is highly recommended you use that version. You can get winetricks, you can also use wget to download winetricks. $ cd $HOME/.wine/drivec/Program Files/Steam/mv steamapps steamapps.bakln -s <ABSOLUTE-WINDOWS-DRIVE-MOUNT-POINT >/Program Files/Steam/steamapps steamappsIf you symlink your steamapps folder, make sure you have your windows drive mounted before launching steam or it will fail to login and present a network related error message. If you use 64-bit windows, the program files directory will need an (x86) suffix. Steam:// protocol linksA fix for using steam:// style protocol links with Firefox can be found here:.

Install steam on wine

The author says it will work under Ubuntu, but it may work under other flavors of Linux. Known issues Wine, Steam & ntfs-3gntfs-3g is a powerful user-mode driver for Linux which is capable of almost all file operations on partitions. Sadly, ntfs-3g and/or Wine are currently unable to work with a NTFS-based installation of Steam. Steam will crash with the following error:“Steam.exe (main exception): Cannot open blob archive file: CMultiFieldBlob(mem-mapped file): Failed to MapViewOfFile”Creating a Symlink to SteamApps on a NTFS partition doesn’t work either. Steam will start up, but your GCFs will get corrupted or – if you’re lucky – Steam only assumes they are corrupted. So you won’t get around having duplicate GCFs for Linux and Windows if you plan on using Steam with both operating systems and having NTFS partitions for Windows, unless you install onto a linux partition from Windows, using something like (in which case you can use the same files in both operating systems).

Install Steam Windows 10


Install Steam Wine Ubuntu 14.04

Update: It seems linking gcfs instead of the folder works. Note: This is not an issue with ntfs-3g specifically, but with FUSE, the userspace filesystem toolkit that ntfs-3g is built on. Any FUSE based filesystem driver will cause these same issues (ex: encfs).Steam and CompositingUsers may experience severe slowdown and lag if they attempt to use Steam under Wine with Compiz installed on their linux machine. The best way to fix this is to run the command.